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    Swizec's articles in the "architectural complexity" category

    I aim to write mindblowing emails with real insight into the career and skills of a modern software engineer. "Raw and honest from the heart!" as one reader described them.

    Below are 9 articles filed under architectural complexity. Enjoy ❀️

    A pattern for composable UI in Flask

    Turn your unwieldy Flask codebase into manageable, composable fragments with this UI pattern. Very close to HTMX.

    Smart core, thin interfaces

    Here's an approach to writing code that I've been using for years and couldn't quite put into words until now. One of those _"This feels wrong but I can't explain why"_. Now I can!

    Empirical evidence for code modularity

    Few of your engineering decisions matter long-term. Software is soft. You can change your mind. But how you structure your components is here to stay.

    Why even care about code structure

    As long as it works, right?

    Finding modules in a big ball of mud

    Pulling modules out of a big ball of mud is like grabbing a slice of cheesy pizza. It's kinda separate but also not really.

    Big Ball of Mud – the world's most popular software architecture

    Forget Gang of Four, here are the 7 architectural patterns real programmers use:

    Architecture is like a path in the woods

    You're doing too much. Sit back, relax, see how people *want* to use the code. THEN build the abstraction.

    The efficacy of TypeScript

    TypeScript may streamline code navigation and catch semantic errors, but it doesn't guarantee fewer bugs or faster fixes.

    Write abstractions, not just code

    Wherein I use a silly example to show why you need more than small reusable single purpose functions to write good software.

    Created by Swizec with ❀️